Select Publications and Current Projects

The Lockean Mind, co-edited with Shelley Weinberg, Routledge, 2022
Journal Articles
“Tracing Reid’s ‘Brave Officer Objection’ Back to Berkeley—and Beyond,” Berkeley Studies (Volume 28, 2019)
“Recovering Early Modern Women Writers: Some Tensions,” Co-authored with Nancy Kendrick, Metaphilosophy, (Volume 50, n. 3, April 2019)
“What Kind of Monist is Anne Finch Conway?” Journal of the American Philosophical Association (Volume 4, Issue 3, December 2018)
“Including Early Modern Women Writers in Survey Courses: A Call to Action.” Co-authored with Nancy Kendrick. Metaphilosophy, (Volume 46, no. 3, July 2015)*
“Locke’s Place-Time-Kind Principle.” Philosophy Compass, (Volume 10, Issue 4, April 2015)
“Locke on the Ontology of Persons.” The Southern Journal of Philosophy, (Volume 53, Issue 1, March 2015)
“Catharine Trotter Cockburn's Defence of Locke.” The Monist, (Volume 98, Issue 1, January 2015)**
*Featured article, The Philosophy Exception site, University of British Columbia
**Featured article, Oxford University Press’s Women’s History Month Reading List, March 2015 and Oxford University Press Newsletter, “Insights Unlocked,” May 2015
Chapters in Volumes
“Astell as Cartesian: A Cautionary Tale,” co-authored with Nancy Kendrick, Cartesianism and Philosophy of Mind,Eds. Vili Lähteenmäki, Jani Sinokki, and Oberto
Marrama, Routledge (accepted, forthcoming)
“Recontextualizing Locke on Gender and Education,” co-authored with Kylie Shahar, The Oxford Handbook of Locke, Ed. Patrick Connolly (accepted/forthcoming)
“Anna Maria van Schurman and Mary Astell on Logic and the Equality of the Sexes,” in Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science Feminist Philosophy and Formal Logic volume, Eds. Roy T Cook and Audrey Yap (accepted/forthcoming)
“The Visible and the Invisible: Feminist Recovery in the History of Philosophy,” co-authored with Nancy Kendrick, Recovering Women’s Past volume, University of Nebraska Press, Ed. Severine Genieys-Kirk (2023)
“Locke on Midwifery and Childbirth: A Glimpse of a Sexist Epistemology?,” The Lockean Mind, Routledge, Eds. Jessica Gordon-Roth and Shelley Weinberg, 2022
Encyclopedia / Handbook Contributions
“Mary Astell,” Co-authored with Nancy Kendrick, Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, Third Edition, Ed. Kurt Sylvan (accepted/forthcoming)
“John Locke.” Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion, Eds. Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro, 2021
“Locke on Personal Identity,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, February 2019
Other Contributions
“Locke’s Prince and the Cobbler Thought Experiment,”in Philosophy Illustrated: 40 Thought Experiments to Broaden Your Mind, Ed. Helen De Cruz, Oxford University Press, 2021
Books In-Progress
Engagement or Encagement?: Knowledge-Seeking, Then and Now, co-authored with Nancy Kendrick (75,000 word MS)
Selections from Catharine Trotter Cockburn’s Writings, co-edited with Kylie Shahar, Hackett (under contract/in-progress)